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Animated Rose Pattern CanvasKit Version

Here's another version utilizing Skia's CanvasKit, which provides the GPU rasterizer through a WASM module, I also added variance of the radius giving a tapered pen effect: // HSBA conversion taken from function hsbaToRGBA(hsba) { const hue = hsba[0 …

Animated Rose Pattern with p5js

// Looks like its tilting let io = 0; let myShader; function setup() { createCanvas(892, 578); frameRate(60); } function draw() { background(0); const PI = 3.14159; const PSI = 2 * PI; var r = max(width / 2, height / 2) / 1.61803 * 0.1; translate(width / 2, height / 2); var thetaSteps = 2500; colorMode(HSB); strokeWeight …

Overhauling Wordpress

After Wordpress breaking due to minor formatting issues, and the difficulty of trying to backup the content from wp_posts table, I've decided to take a lighter route with Pelican: if it's suitable for the Linux Kernel, I can be confident of better ease of use.