
External Platforms & Social Media



Welcome aboard, you've reached the personal website of Ben Cottrell. To be more precise, I'm the guy that lives in New Zealand, not the numerous other "Bens" based in the United Kingdom or the United States.

This website is primarily intended for sharing my findings and opinions on technology. Although, I can deviate from the norm, If I want to write about subjects that I find particularly important.


How was this site made?

I used the Pelican static site generator for Python. It consists of articles written in Markdown syntax, and templating HTML. No content management system to be found here.

In terms of dynamic services, there is the self hosted commenting system using Isso, and a basic search engine. The engine consists of a plugin to populate the model database, and some front-end JavaScript to fetch search results in JSON format.

How will this site improve?

With more images, perhaps. I am continually re-assessing and altering the design of it.

What does "bgc" stand for?

It's my initials, not short for something humorous or unfortunate.

Can I copy content from this site?

If any content on this site does not have an existing license included with it, then you may assume that the content is provided under the conditions of a Creative Commons license, known as "CC BY-SA 4.0".

Where'd you get the background image?

From Pixabay.